Saturday, February 06, 2016

I review stuff: Snow @ Bödele - February 5, 2016

There is literally no snow on the ground in Dornborn. On the drive up to Bödele, there is very little snow until about 2/3rds of the way up and then all of a sudden, there is just oodles of it just before you arrive at the parking lot.
In general, it has been raining as well as snowing. Plus on February 5, it was unseasonably warm. Close to 5 C when the sun peeked through the fog. There was plenty of snow of the ground, but it was thick, not at all light and feathery. I don't want to say slushy because it didn't feel wet but it felt heavy and I had a tough time picking up speed where I would normally not.
It was good for the pull lifts though and it fell more stable,

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